Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011

[25] Wednesday
"Current Event 1" -250 words
Cindy Jackson broke the world record, as well as the Guinness book of world records for cosmetic surgery back in 2000, and to this day still holds the record as of April 2011. That’s right—at the age of 55, she has spent over $100,000 dollars and done more than 52 procedures. However, not all 52 procedures were full-scale surgeries. Some were full-scale operations, and include three face-lifts, two nose operations, two eye-lifts, liposuction, knees, waist, abdomen, thigh and jaw line surgery, lip and cheek implants, chemical peels, chin bone reduction and semi-permanent make-up.

At this point, some people may think that she has tampered with nature or with what God gave her. Others, however, may think that she’s truly escaped the clutches of old age and that she’s reached the closest things to the modern ‘fountain of youth’. No matter how you view it, though, most would agree that she certainly doesn’t look her age. From head to toe, Cindy doesn’t look at all like 55. Maybe late 30’s-early 40’s depending on certain pictures.

Cindy’s background started in a village in Ohio. She confessed that when she was younger, a guy had told her that, “You know Cindy, when you smile, from the side your nose and chin almost meet.” From then on, readers can correctly assume that that’s when her aim towards perfection and looking “pretty” all started. She has been careful to take it slow, as she states that her only goal it to be beautiful.
Check out the pictures below: