Friday, September 17, 2010

September 17, 2010

 The pictures in the last few blogs were supposed to show what kind of style I am. It's hard for me to describe it myself, so I wanted to just show it. But now that you're seeing it, I think you'd agree with me that there's not just one word for my style, and I like that. I like that I don't fit inside an exact definition.
But anywho.
It's almost Fall & I need to go shopping for the colder weather now. I usually always make a list of what I need, like, new blazers, boots, or a dress shirt or something. Yes, like a grocery list. But then, once I step into Foever21, H&M, or whatever store I frequent, I forget the list completely. And then I end up buying a whole lot of stuff I don't really need, but then I realize that in clothes, there's not need, but wants. Like, I want a new pair of jeans. Or I want those new pairs of flats. But whatever the case, I need more clothes. I have lots of empty clothes hangers now, and no clothes to hang up. I need to fill it upppp !
This dress is so cute! I want! <3
"Be O N E in a million, not one of a million."

-Ji Hyun

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 16, 2010

I don't think a person's style is limited to only what they're wearing on their backs. To me, style reflects the person himself, or maybe lack of. Like, people that dye their hair super-super pink might be really confident...Or really feel the need to stand out from the crowd. They want to be different. Or, people that own over 50 pairs of shoes obviously state for themselves that they are a sneaker-head. Or stiletto-head. I don't know. But when other people look at me, I wonder what they think. I have kind of always wanted to see myself from another person's point of view. That'd be pretty cool, I think.

That aside, I'm still not sure if I'm getting the hang of this whole blogging thing. Hmm.
 One more for the collection.

Today's little segment:
The Invention of the Thong.
"It was invented after the New York Mayor LaGuardia became enraged that the city’s nude dancers were exposing too much flesh. The thong was developed to keep the New York City dancers covered enough to placate the mayor."
Ha. Thought it was funny so decided to share. :)

Later, 'Gator.
-Ji Hyun

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010

I wish I had a fashion superpower. If I did, it would definitley be the ability to own any outfit and/or accessorey I see. Whether it's in a magazine, a poster, or if someone in the hallways at high school is wearing it. With just one look and maybe a flick of my finger, the fashion item[s] would clone itself and reappear in my closet at home, with my preferences, like color, style and size. I really wish I had that power. There are many times where my eyes would wander onto some girl's boots, and I think, "Hm. Wonder where she got those...." Although I don't really like the fact that somebody else has the same exact item as me, I also think that since our styles are different, depending on how you wear them, the item itself should also look different. Right? But anyways. I also always wanted a nice, spacious closet. Then fill it up. Of course.

Today's a nice day. Getting chilly. Fall is almost here!
"J'adore la Mode."
"I love fashion."
In French.

See ya.
-Ji Hyun

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 13, 2010.

Hellooo. My name is Ji Hyun. I like to think myself as creative&optimistic. I like the color g r e e n, and everything it stands for. You know, recycling, saving the Earth, and a fresh start. Fall is my season. This is my first time starting a blog. [Can you tell??]

On this blog, you can expect to see my style, and love it. I'm not really sure how I would describe my style, but it's nice&classy, I think, which is what I'm going for. :) I plan on posting pictures, since I enjoy looking at them on other sites. I'm also thinking of other unique things, but nothing comes to mind...

Today's a nice day. The best breeze, no sun.

"Everyday is a Fashion Show&the World is your Runway."

Ciao for now.
-Ji Hyun